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Posts tagged ‘Pillar of Cloud’

Ceasefire agreement – 2012.11.21 21:00

One very vague agreement supposed to bring some kind of peace to Israel and Gaza for sometime. Starting from 21:00 it should enter into force.
I’m not sure it’s good for us in the long term, if meanwhile the terrorists in Gaza being reinforced with more and better rockets. The problem is that Egypt letting the entrance of weapons and rockets through its border with Gaza. And probably US could force on Egypt to prevent entrance of weaponry into Gaza.
I hope that ceasefire would be respected by both sides.
But having hard time to believe that terrorists would stop try to kill innocents.

Justin Bieber vs Hamas

The year 2012 – Justin Bieber blows the mind of American youth.

Meanwhile in the middle-east Islamic terrorists, try blow the mind of Israeli children.

Rain of rockets falling on peaceful people who did nothing wrong, in the name of  inhumane Islamic beliefs or just to stay in control by oppressing Palestinian people.

Hamas train the next generation of terrorists, fulfills its wish for innocents’ blood.

Today Hamas killed Palestinians who been accused of helping to Israel. They were brutally murdered and then their bodies violated in medieval style. Hamas handles its own People like a slaughtering cattle.

Arabs killing Arabs, each day. In Syria, Arab government does a genocide of its own people, and nobody gives a fuck. Who cares? Only Arabs killing other Arabs…

But if Jews trying to protect their country by eliminating terrorists, it’s just wrong!

The truth about Hamas(terrorists in charge of Gaza)

In the last week Hamas and other terror organizations launched hundreds of rockets from Gaza on many Israeli cities. Millions of Israeli citizens are living under deadly threat from Hamas rockets. Why Hamas attacks Israeli citizens? All Israeli civilians and soldiers left Gaza in 2005. Gaza governed by Hamas – which is a terror organization that publicly committed to Israel extermination. Why Hamas is prefer keep the war against Israel, instead of improving life of Palestinians? Because Hamas is an ideological movement based on hate toward Israel and Jewish people. Hamas leaders know how to handle Palestinian people only when they are depressed and beaten. Hamas can’t control Gaza without the war with Israel, and it’s the reason for those rockets that being launched on Israel. Hamas has killed and maimed many Palestinians from other parties – Fatah for example. Yeah, but Israel not letting Palestinians in Gaza even basic food/water/electricity/air. It’s a lie. Israel passing to Gaza almost everything, definitely food, water, electricity, medicines, and many other goods. Gaza has a border with Egypt, so Palestinians can trade with Egypt, and buy the missing goods. Israel tries to prevent entrance of weapons and rockets into Gaza. But unfortunately because of many underground tunnels, terrorists still get hundreds of rockets to launch on Israel. So if Palestinians are missing something in Gaza they just could bring it through the same paths they bring the rockets. Rockets are very expensive, so without rockets they could buy a lot of Twinkies if they wish.
So Israel want to stop the rockets launches on Israeli citizens? Yes. Israel want peace. Palestinians aren’t Israeli enemies, they are our neighbors. But Palestinian terrorists are indeed our enemies and Israel Defense Force will eliminate as many of them as fast as possible. Hamas terrorists’ slogan is “We desire death like you desire life”. They will get the death they desire, and we will get the life we desire, IDF will see to it.




Operation Pillar of Cloud – Posters