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Posts tagged ‘LGBT’

We are who we feel we are

Came across this video, and just want to share it. Hopefully one day we all could live in society that would let us all be who we feel inside. And we all could hate the real jerks, Justin Bieber’s fans… just kidding 🙂


Who do you admire?

Who do you adore? Who do you admire? Who is your role model?

Answers to these questions may tell a lot about who you are. I think that most of my life I never had someone to adore, admire or accept as role model. I don’t share moral views with any religion, or sense of justice with laws we live by in our home countries, I think that most of the time, social norms we are living by, are pretentious and hypocrite. But today when I thought about this questions, there is at least one person who I think that I admire. She is very well known woman.

My reasons to admire her are:

  • She is taking part in anti bullying, body image  and other important campaigns.
  • She promotes message of tolerance, equality and actively supports LGBT rights.
  • In her work she creates space for her fans to accept who they really are, without judgement or rejection. She is “Mother monster”, and we are her little monsters. I interpret this “monster” narrative in a sense of flaws that we all have, and our uniqueness that others may see as strange, repulsive or even disgusting sometimes. “Monster” in sense of being different from your social environment. And not to try to depress these parts of us, in sake of social acceptance.
  • She is very polite and kind person.
  • She is an artist, she creates art in everything she does. When I watch her, I kinda can feel that heat of passion, that comes from her internal flame, through her work.
  • She is Lady, Lady Gaga. 🙂

Lady Gaga

Inspired by Lana Wachowski

I saw this amazing speech by Lana Wachowski and I felt inspired by it. Her story of finding her true identity, presenting it to her family and now to the whole world. She did it because there are things that we must do, not for ourself, but for others. To give hope.

All over the world there are people who don’t fit into boundaries that were defined since dark ages of human history, by prejudice and religion. It is a very long process to fix society’s mistakes that are thousands years old. But I hope that with inspiration that give us people like Lana Wachowski we’ll be more patient and thoughtful with each other.