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Posts tagged ‘ticket’

A Ticket

I always take with me a ticket. Not just a regular ticket, but very special one. It is a winning ticket, for something that money can’t buy. It is dear to me, because it is all I can give you, it is all I’ve got. I don’t know if it should be yours… Do you have one for me? I don’t know much these days. I always hope, try to be optimistic… I’m afraid of the good, and of bad also. I try to hold on, although it’s hard, and I’m tired. I don’t believe that there is one truth. We all tell others things, that we don’t believe to be true, but we all make a lot of mistakes. And sometimes our lies are actually the truth. I don’t want lie to you. I don’t want to exploit you, hurt you or make you sad. But I am human, and I probably would, and you would too. I hope we always could talk and solve it out, together.